Product Presentation

How we prepare and delivered order.
*Hand created and delivered by an expert florist
*Only the freshest flowers used
*Elegantly gift wrapped with your personal message
*Delivery options available- SAME DAY DELIVERY, Metro Manila and Nearby Provinces. NEXT DAY DELIVERY- Provincial Areas

Florist Flower Delivery
Our stunning floral gifts can be delivered the same day you place your order or on a future day with morning and afternoon delivery options available. Florist Design

Each of our expert florists has the unique blend of skills, creativity and attention to detail needed to create every handmade onlineflowerexpress bouquet. Every bouquet ordered from us is prepared with care and hand-delivered as promised.


Quality and Freshness

Our florists will only select the freshest stems (many arranged in bud) and will condition and prepare the flowers to ensure the maximum longevity of your gift.

Presentation of your Bouquet
Each florist delivered bouquet will be presented in stylish designed gift wrap, finished with ribbon and placed in our bag to create a stunning gift experience.

Gift Message and Flower Food
Your personal message will be hand written/ computerized by our florist and displayed on an attractive greeting card with your gift. To ensure the flowers remain fresh, hydrated and in the best possible condition we deliver our flowers in water plus we include some liquid flower food to keep them in pristine condition.

Flowers shown in images are for display purposes only.